
FIBET Spa has been producing rubber to metal bonded parts and other elastomer applications for the automotive industry since 1952.
In the mid seventies, in addition to the existing range, FIBET started to develop and produce a large selection of rubber to metal bonded anti-vibration components for earthmoving and off road machines, agricultural machinery, generators, railway industries etc.As a result of its design capacity and the extensive range of standard products, FIBET is today reputed to be included as a world leader in the field of mechanical application of elastomer.

fibel FIBEL bushes establish an elastic connection between two rigid bodies in order to damp movements and, at the same time, to reduce vibrations and structure born sound.The extensive typology available covers a wide spectrum of applications such as: high frequency elimination, variable axial stiffness, higher axial and conical stiffness, high axial and radial stiffness.
fivistop FIVISTOP antivibration mountings are intended to reduce vibrations and structure born sound.This comprehensive range of mounts has been designed to offer a solution to any vibration problem
asp Special applications
FIBET offers an engineering service for the design and production of components rubber to metal moulded according to every customer’s needs.

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